How to Repair and Avoid Bad Sectors in Hard Disk

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Then how will you fix these issues in your Hard Disk? No need to worry, you can repair and avoid bad sectors in your hard disk. Microsoft provides in-built feature to repair and avoid bad sectors.

Bad Sectors: Bad sectors are the sectors on hard drives that are physically damaged and can’t be accessed by operating system.

Repair Bad Sectors on Hard Drive:

As you know that there are many free third party software’s available to fix this issue. But I am showing you windows operating system feature to fix bad sector issues.

Check out step by step solution to repair and avoid bad sectors in your Hard Disk.

Step-1: First close all the running applications.

Step-2: Right click on the drive you want to remove bad sectors and click on properties.

Step-3: Now select Tools tab.

Step-4: Under Tools tab, you will see 3 options (Check Now, Defragment Now and Backup Now).

Step-5: You have to click on Check Now under Error Checking.

Fix Bad Sector

A new popup window will appear with two check disk options (Automatically fix file system errors, scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors).

Check both the options before start fixing this issue. Click on Start button, this will check errors of your hard drive and will automatically repair them.

It will take some time depend on your hard drive space and your RAM memory size.

Avoid Bad Sectors on Hard Drive:

Why bad sectors occur in hard drives?

The main reasons of bad sector are power failures, light fluctuation or low voltage. So it is strongly recommended to use UPS supply for your systems.

You can use defragmentation feature to avoid bad sectors on your hard disk.

Click on Defragment now under De-fragmentation option. Select hard drive which you want to defragment and click on De-fragment Disk button.

Fix Bad Sector

Final Conclusion with Some Suggestions to Avoid Bad Sectors:

1.      Don’t switch off power supply directly while your system is running. Keep all your system on UPS supply.

2.      Always shutdown your system properly.

3.      Don’t use third party software’s to repair bad sectors, only use trusted windows utility to repair bad sectors if required.

If you have any other trusted application software’s or some great tips then don’t forget to share with us.

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