First learn how to install WordPress website locally on your PC. It’s best way to practice on local PC before publishing your website on the web.
You need WAMP Server and WordPress.
Download WAMP server from following path.
Install wampserver2.2e- php5.4.3- httpd2.2.22- mysql5.5.24- 32b.exe
Now click on Next button and agree to the license agreement. You can choose your installation directory. Default directory is C:\wamp – Don’t change default installation location to aovid any issues.
You can choose additional icons creation as per your requirement. If you want to create quick launch icon and desktop icon, select both the option and install it.
If internet explorer and Firefox both are installed in your system then following message will be pop-up on your screen and you have to select No option.
During installation process, you will be asked to set you mail settings. You can leave these settings as it is by default.
After successful installation, you will see WAMP server icon at the bottom right corner. Click on WAMP server and restart all services. Select rewrite_module in Apache > Apache modules
First download WordPress from following path and extract WordPress in www directory.
Now open phpMyAdmin and create a database “wordpressnew” or name you like for your website database.
Your database is successfully created.
Now open localhost to install WordPress in your local computer. Here you have to click on WordPress under Your Projects.
It will ask you to create a configuration file, just click on it to proceed. After clicking on Let’s Go, you have to fill database name, username, password, host & table prefix to install WordPress.
Here you have to mention database name which you have created earlier. User name will be root and password will be blank. Password can be set later if you want to set. Table prefix here is wp_ but you can choose your own prefix like tb_.
Finally run the installation and fill the information like site title, user name, password, Email etc.
After login into wp-admin which is your website dashboard, here you can configure your website, post new contents, update contents, add pages, add plugins and appearance and can do everything from here.
You can check your database tables for verifying database installation in phpMyAdmin.
Your website is working properly.
I hope you enjoyed and understood, how to install wordpress website on your local PC.