How to create a Facebook page

6 Steps to create a Facebook page for business or personal use.

create a Facebook page

Creating a facebook page is an incredible way to promote you website / blog / business and build awareness. You can also create your own facebook page by just following some simple steps. Facebook page is also built to make close relationship with your readers and customers.

Step-1: Open facebook website ( and login to your facebook account by just entering your username and passowrd.

Step-2: There are three ways to create a facebook page. You may choose any one from following options.

a)      Choose “Create Page” option at the bottom of your facebook as shown in following figure.

create a Facebook page

b)      Just click on below mention link.

c)      Select Advertise option at the top right corner just above your Account Settings option. Now click on Create a page option as circled in following figure.

create a Facebook page

Step-3: Once you have clicked on any one option, you will get 6 categories to choose for your Facebook page. As you select any 1 of 6 categories their respective option will appear as shown in figure.

Local Business or Place: create a Facebook pageCompany, Organization or Institution:create a Facebook page
 Brand or Product:create a Facebook page· Artist, Band or Public Figure: create a Facebook page
 Entertainment: create a Facebook page Cause or Community:create a Facebook page

For all of the above categories, you will have to click to “I agree to Facebook Pages Terms” before you can move on.

Step-4: After select appropriate option and filling out details click on “Get Started”.

create a Facebook page

Step-5: Upload your profile picture from your personal computer or from website and click on save photo option.

Complete the about section and Enable Ads section but you can skip Enable Ads option.

create a Facebook page

Step-6: That’s it… Now your facebook fan page is created… Post at least few times in a week to build good relationship with your readers and customer and keep them updated with your latest move.

Few Simple Steps to Secure Your Facebook Account

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